Hellloooo Family!
Good to hear that mother's day went so well! And it was SO SWEET talking to all of you yesterday! You're right, Mom, the time goes by way way too fast. That hour was like nothing! But it was nice to feel at home again and hear your voices and all that good stuff. I feel like I can't even remember what we talked about because it went by so fast. Whoo. But, after talking with you guys, I got a quick reminder that I'm still in Mexico. I'll tell you how...after I tell you about our awesome week.
So this past week was just awesome. It started out as a pretty normal week, Monday we did our regular P Day stuff, nothing out of the ordinary. On Tuesday we went to Diana (the 9-year-old)'s house to talk about the details of the baptism we were going to have for her Saturday, when her Mom informed us that her father had just died only hours before. It was a rough situation, and we stayed for a little bit to remind her about the Plan of Salvation, and of the fact that her father was already endowed and so they needed to get started with the rest of his vicarious work and everything else. So they went to the Funeral in Chiapas (another state in Mexico...it's far) and they won't be back until sometime this week. So we postponed that baptism and hopefully they'll be back this week in order to do it.
Then that night we taught a new couple that the Lord brought to Church last Sunday (May 2nd), and the lesson was KILLER! They had awesome questions, we were able to answer them, explain the Restoration, and program them for baptism this coming Sunday. It was awesome. Their names are Miguel and Rebeca, and they have 4 kids (all of them under the age of baptism) and they are SUPER elect. So we left 3 Nephi 11 for them to read, and another Elder and I (we did splits) went to visit them on Thursday. When we started the lesson, the neighbors next door started playing "Enter Sandman" by Metallica VERY loudly, but it didn't get to us at all. I asked them if they had read and prayed about the Book of Mormon, and Rebeca answered and told me that she had read what we told her to read, and prayed. The next day, she went with her sick dad to his cancer check ups (he's had cancer the last few years and has lost his eye), and when the doctors checked for cancer, there was not a single trace in his body! Needless to say, she had accepted that experience as her answer about the Book of Mormon. Love it.
Then we asked Miguel, and he said "Look...I did read...but I also read the chapter before and the chapter after the one you told me to read. I looked up all the footnotes in those chapters and compared with my bible. And I did pray...but I didn't ask if the Book of Mormon was true. I didn't need to ask. As soon as started to pray, I felt the Spirit fill my body, and I know that this book is a book of God." You can imagine that I had a huge smile on my face when he told us that...it was awesome. Afterward, we talked about the Law of Chastity (I knew they weren't married) and invited them to follow the commandment. Really to no surprise to us, they accepted, and I told them I would return with Elder Soza the next day to talk about the details after talking with our awesome judge hook-up. We went back on Friday night and said, "Welp...do you wanna get married tomorrow morning?" They said yes. And we went.
The marriage was an adventure! We got to Nezahualcoyotl (or Neza for short) where our Judge buddy is, but Rebeca's birth certificate was NO BUENO! So we had to drive to the other end of Neza to take out an original copy of her birth certificate, and time was winding down! The guy who took us was driving like a stunt driver...it was awesome. We were weaving through the traffic, going halfway up onto the sidewalk and everything to return on time. It was sweet!!! And we did get their in time, and got 'em HITCHED! That was a fun experience for sure.
So yeah. So here comes the bad news...my reminder of the fact that I'm still in Mexico. After talking with the fam, Elder Soza and I headed to Elder Walk's house to report our numbers for the week...and we got mugged. It was so retarded. The guys didn't even have any knives or guns or anything like that, one of them just asked me for the time, and then put his arm around me and said "Give me everything you've got on you". Daaaang. So he took my watch (the one Grandma and Grandpa gave me), my money, and...my camera with my memory cards. It was bummer for sure. It was like a big slap in the face that said "HEY! Remember you're still in Mexico!" Don't worry I'm not hurt everything's good. I'm just one camera and some memory cards short now.
Anyway, we went to the Pyramids today, and I bought a disposable camera (HAHA!) and took some pictures. I'll try to get them onto a CD or something to send them.
love you all. Have a good week! Be safe!
Elder Budge
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